The Purpose

CandyBot is designed to fill the 'bot' gap for OTClient. Botting is a big part of OpenTibia, many people have demanded this functionality for OTClient so people that want to just have fun in OpenTibia servers can do so.

This module can be blocked if you are using OTClient to design a game type that should not allow 'botting'. So this is by no means forcing game developers into a bad place where players will abuse the bot, BOT_PROTECTION = TRUE!


To install CandyBot all you need to do is copy the root directory otclient-candybot into the otclient /mods directory and start otclient. If you don't have otclient-candybot directory you need to pull this repository (I haven't tagged any releases yet because it's too early in development).

Authors and Contributors





Licensed under MIT, see LICENSE for more information.


If you are interested in contributing to the CandyBot module, feel free to create pull requests. People that would like to be 'repo contributors' can be added once they have made enough satisfying contributions to this project.